Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Slums Within Asia essays

Slums Within Asia essays The definition of a slum varies from one form to another depending on the background or country from which an individual comes from. Someone from a rich country may define slums as old run down buildings, whereas someone from a poor country will define slums as un-serviced haphazard constructions . The universal definition of a slum as found in the dictionary is said to be a heavily populated urban area characterized by substandard housing and filth . Slums are seen as a purely physical phenomenon. Slums are populated by two groups of people, the poor and the strangers . Since in slums there is a lack of cleanliness, serious diseases can spread easily and quickly. Slum inhabitants go through many problems, a few being they lack of public transit, constant migration, lack of water, no sewage or solid waste facilities, pollution, and shelter shortages . They also face poor ventilation, due to a lack of windows and electricity. They also tend to establish homes on unused land that is usually privately owned or government owned land. Therefore a concise definition for a slum would be a crowded urban area, marked by poverty, where living conditions are very bad and in poor condition . There are many reasons for the origination of slums in Indian cities. Slums for one reason may occur because the physical structures are allowed to be created in poor conditions or to deteriorate from past satisfactory structures . Slums have formed as early as the 17th century. In the 17th century, Gerald Aungier, the 2nd governor of Bombay tried to attract traders and artisans to the city, and thus causing a large influx in the population . Wealthy traders built their homes inside the British forts while others were forced to live in crowded areas around the fort resulting in slums . The problem of overcrowding still remained until the 18th century. It wasnt till the 19th century that India saw the growth of slums. Slums in India have forme...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Las Diez Profesiones que Tendrán Más Demanda

Las Diez Profesiones que Tendrn Ms Demanda El Bureau de Estadà ­sticas del Departamento de Trabajo de los Estados Unidos ha publicado la lista de las diez profesiones donde calcula se brindarn ms ofertas de trabajo. A continuacià ³n aparecen las mejor pagadas y aquellas que brindan importantes beneficios. Listado de Profesiones con Mayor Crecimiento Hasta el 2020 Este listado destaca que las plazas que ms se estn creando no se encuentran necesariamente entre las mejor pagadas, salvo algunas excepciones. De mayor a menor en ofertas de trabajo nuevas, estas son las profesiones: Enfermeras Registradas (RN): Un alto porcentaje de estas enfermeras/os son profesionales extranjeros. Trabajos en centros mà ©dicos, hospitales y consultorios privados. Vendedores en tiendas: para esta labor solo se requieren estudios inferiores a la secundaria. Trabajos en tiendas locales. Asistentes de cuidado de salud en el hogar: estas personas se encargan de monitorear y registrar informacià ³n sobre la salud de pacientes. Asimismo, mantienen comunicacià ³n con los pacientes y sus familiares.Asistentes de cuidado personal: estas se ocupan de prestar asistencia diaria y bsica a ancianos, discapacitados o personas que sufren de enfermedades crà ³nicas.Oficinistas: o quienes desempeà ±an labores varias dentro de un ambiente de oficina.Trabajadores en restaurantes: aquà ­ se desempeà ±an en labores de cocina y de atencià ³n al cliente. Trabajadores de Servicio al Cliente: atienden las preguntas y quejas de los clientes de cadenas de almacenes y/o cualquier empresa que cuente con clientes directos (salud, ventas, telefonà ­a celular). Choferes de camiones: quienes viajan llevando carga en camiones de varios ejes.Trabajadores de carga y descarga: incluidos los de mudanzas, estos trabajadores prestan servicios en mercados y almacenes de cadena. Profesores universitarios, especialistas en educacià ³n y personal superior de bibliotecas: en este caso es necesario un tà ­tulo profesional o un doctorado. Un buen nà ºmero de personas extranjeras desarrollan esta labor. Por el contrario, el Bureau de Estadà ­sticas considera que los trabajos en los que habr ms pà ©rdida de plazas ser el de los granjeros, agricultores y trabajadores relacionados con la pesca, operadores de mquinas de coser, telefonistas, cocineros de fast food, trabajadores de correos y mecanà ³grafos. Profesiones a destacar por su salario o por sus beneficios Hay profesiones que resultan atractivas por sus salarios. Aquà ­ unos links de interà ©s: Las diez mejor pagadas. Las bien remuneradas que que no exigen nivel de estudios.Las labores con el gobierno federal Las labores militares con sus beneficios tanto para soldados como para oficiales. Este es un articulo informativo y no pretende ser asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Global marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Global marketing - Essay Example In addition as will soon be explained, a given amount of innovation is deemed important in all companies operating within competitive markets. While planning to introduce new product in the market, factors such as culture should be put into consideration. For instance Vimto in the Middle East has taken its roots deeper than the founding place. It has gone to an extent of operating independently. At the time of introducing the product they discovered that in Arab, they like sweeter thing and so the sugar content was raised to be higher than that of UK. Also before introducing a product in the market, check the availability of similar products in the market and their packaging design, sugar levels, available flavours, price and stocks movement rates. The Momentum to Innovation In 1960's, the BCG growth share matrix came into existence as a tool of analysis to be used in assessing organizational performance. Portfolio analysis concentrates upon the growth rate of a market where an organ ization participates and the commanding power of that organization in that particular market, as measured by its share of the total sales volume of the market. Therefore, the Analysis of Boston Portfolio takes the shape of a growth share matrix where market share is plotted against the growth rate of the market where it is invested. ... The dimension of shares is measured based logarithmic scale whereby the cut off level is 1.0. It’s at this point, that the market share of an organization equals that of the leading competitor. Index number bigger than 1.0 shows leadership, while where the index is low, it’s an indication that the company remains behind competitors. Discussion The New Product Development Process This brings out a picture of new product growth process. The aim of these ladders is to evade expensive failures through continuously reviewing the possible prospects for the new product idea or product, and allow company get some options as whether to drop the product or develop tactic on how to cut loss. The biggest yet most expensive blunder is launching a product which already proves unsuccessful (Zilinski 179). Before a product launch, it means all the development costs have been met and spending on production equipment has already been done too. High costs of marketing have also been made in setting up of the promotional expenditure and distribution system. Idea Generation The aim of generating an idea is to put together many ideas as possible from any possible sources. This includes: Internal External Top executives Non-competitive firms Public Production staff Entire members of staff Market or supplier intermediaries Patent applications Competition Freelance inventors Consultants    When an organization or a group planning to introduce a new product in the market seeks to try new ideas on top of what they have there are marketing research techniques that may be applied i.e. morphological analysis synetics Delphi forecasting, brainstorming and scenario writing. The emphasis at this level is dependent on the number of ideas without source, though no idea flatly gets

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Will upload an attachement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Will upload an attachement - Essay Example The team must understand the obligatory skills required in running the business. Recruited workers are required to have adequate experience and knowledge that is relevant to the operation of the Eastern Foods Company business. There must be people specifically knowledgeable in each department of the Company. For instance, the production department should have people with the best knowledge of production. The team is required to balance the diversity of the people in the workplace by considering crucial factors like sexual orientations, marital status, and ethnicity among other factors(Sims, 2007, p. 134). But, all these criteria should be implemented in consideration to what is required for each job description. For example, it sounds unusual recruiting a female manpower team where the job description clearly outlines the need for male manpower. Similarly, there is need to recruit a special marketing team that will take time to acquaint with the new project and concentrate on it holistically. The marketing team is to consist of people with marketing backgrounds, possibly graduates with previous experience in the marketing department of a different Company. The finance department needs to outline possible measures to contain the costs involved in running the new business. Cost management is a major factor in the running of the business and will determine the difference between the success and failure of the business. The department should be ready to consider various expenses that touch on the people that are part of the business. Such costs may involve training costs, health-care benefits, and hiring process costs. The costs cut into the bottom line of the business, and the management team should figure out how much, how many, and how often these benefits should be offered. Obviously, the Company will have it rough balancing its financial statements. The management is to develop standardized

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Psychological Disorder Analysis Essay Example for Free

Psychological Disorder Analysis Essay The world of abnormal psychology is filled with many different types of disorders, symptoms, and treatment options. Today, I will be working with Roger, a middle-aged accountant living in San Francisco, California who experienced a car wreck a few months ago. He has been experiencing shakiness, breathlessness, heat flashes, and nightmares. He has been trying to cope with the symptoms that he is experiencing through alcohol consumption and going jogging. Using the skills I have learned about abnormal psychology, I will be able to diagnose Roger and provide an explanation as to why he is suffering from the type of disorder that he is experiencing, as well as determine the most effective treatment options available. Based on the information provided to me, I am diagnosing Roger with post-traumatic stress disorder. Post-traumatic stress disorder is an anxiety disorder that is experienced by people who have been subjected to a traumatic, life-changing event. Although I am quite certain that this is the disorder that Roger is suffering from, I scheduled an appointment with him to get more details about the symptoms that he is experiencing. Me: Good morning, Roger, I wanted to call you in today to talk about the things that you are experiencing on a day-to-day basis so that I will learn more about yourself and the things that you are experiencing so that we can work together to come up with solutions that benefit you overcoming your experience. Roger: That sounds like a good plan, what would you like to know? Me: Well can you please begin with telling me what happened 2 months ago, so that I may hear it in your own words? Roger: Sure, about two months ago I was in a car accident where the other driver hit me head on. I wasn’t hurt, except for a few minor bruises, but my car was completely totaled. Since then, I try to avoid the area where I got into my accident. Me: Thank you for that information, Roger. Car accidents can be quite traumatizing and I’m sorry that you had to experience that misfortune. Roger: It’s okay, I’m just glad I got out of it alive. But the accident seems to stick with me no matter what I do, though. Me: Do you mind elaborating on that for me please, Roger? Roger: Well, ever since the accident I notice that whenever I am around the streets or in an automobile of any kind, I begin to feel shaky and out of breath. Then everything begins to get really hot and sometimes it feels like I am having a heart attack, so I begin to panic. Me: That’s very interesting Roger, have you been to your primary care doctor to see if there is a physical issue that is causing those symptoms? Roger: Yes, ma’am. My doctor told me that I am healthy as a horse and recommended me to you. So here I am. *laughs nervously* Me: I am glad that you are here to give me the opportunity to help you, Roger. Are there any other symptoms that you have been experiencing since your accident? Roger: Um, I’ve been obsessed with safer vehicles and I’ve spent a lot of time looking for an extremely safe car and have taken a defensive driving class. Some days I am so afraid to drive that I have to call my friends to come get me, and I can’t seem to find a car that meets my safety standards. Me: I can completely understand why you feel that way, Roger. Safety should always be the number one priority when out on the road. So you feel this anxiety only affects you when you are out on the roads? Roger: No, not at all. I’ve been having these horrible nightmares. Sometimes they are so bad that I can’t even make it to work, and my boss has started telling me that my performance is slipping, too. I’ve been drinking a lot since my accident because I can’t seem to get the thought of it out of my mind and it is the only thing that seems to help when I feel shaky. I’ve started to drink just to get the memory of the accident out of my mind. At home, I’m so worried about my family’s well-being that I try to keep everything clean and sterile. I don’t want myself or anyone in my family getting sick or going through what I went through. Roger: I know that this isn’t me and I don’t want to be please like this anymore, so can you please help me get past this? Because I don’t know what to do anymore and I’m having trouble just making it through each day. When I have my†¦panic attacks?I usually head straight for the bar. Roger: After I have my nightmares, I usually can’t go back to sleep I go jogging. Being able to run helps me clear my mind of everything and just focus on the task at hand. Unfortunately, I’m not in very good shape so I can’t run for very long before I have to return home. Me: Thank you so much for explaining all of that to me in such detail, Roger, I could see that it was difficult for you. I want to let you know that it is excellent that you are going out jogging whenever you have a nightmare, and I want you to continue you doing that whenever possible in place of drinking. Me: Together you and I will find a way to get you through this, all I askin g is for you to be willing to work with me. Can you do that, Roger? Roger: Yes, definitely. I’m ready to move on with my life. After the interview with Roger, I was able to gain more insight about his situation and am able to confirm that he is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. As mentioned before, Post-traumatic stress disorder is an anxiety disorder that is experienced by people who have been subjected to a traumatic, life-changing event such as being raped, in a car accident, combat, or witnessing someone else’s traumatic experience, such as a loved one or a friend, and even witnessing a violent death can cause acute and posttraumatic stress disorders. Individuals suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder becoming sensitized to the event that caused the disorder, causing them to experience feelings of anxiety when exposed to certain things related to the traumatic event. One of the key symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder is involuntary flashbacks of the traumatic event which can lead to the development of more severe symptoms. Those symptoms include: * Nightmares- the event relives itself in the subconscious, usually leading to insomnia * Depression – not enjoying the things you once enjoyed, disassociation * Anxiety, panic attacks – negative reactions to situations or sights/events that trigger a reconnection to the trauma. * Avoidance – For a traumatic event such as a car accident, avoiding the area where the accident occurred. * Substance Abuse: The abuse of drugs or alcohol as a coping mechanism to desensitize emotional response to flashback or other symptoms. The Cognitive model of abnormality realizes that everyone creates their own view of the world that comprises their reality (Comer, 2011). Unhealthy thoughts stemming from a traumatic event create the abnormal behavior individuals suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder experience. Therefore, post-traumatic stress disorder is a behavior that is determined by how individuals perceive the life-changing traumatic event that they experience. Looking into the history of post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD was first discovered during the Civil War, with the development of battle PTSD, also known as ‘soldier’s heart,’ ‘shell shock,’ and ‘battle fatigue,’ becoming known officially as post-traumatic stress disorder after the Vietnam War. A study conducted by Brian P. Marx in 2010 discovered that soldiers developed PTSD regardless of how recently or how long they were deployed. The study also showed that the longer PTSD is left untreated, the worse it will get, showing that untreated cases will become more anxious, have a shorter attention span, and in general have much poorer mental health. The study also found that â€Å"the stress these soldiers were experiencing had a significant impact on their physical health such as immune functioning and cardiovascular disease (â€Å"The effect of PTSD and combat level on Vietnam veterans perceptions of child behavior and marital adjustment,† 2006, para. ). Today, about 50% of Americans experience a trauma during their life time and only 8% of those individuals suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder. So what factors cause certain people to develop post- traumatic stress disorder, while other individuals remained unaffected? One of the most important factors to consider when determining what type of individual is more likely to suffer from PTSD is the nature of trauma the individual faced and whether the individual had preexisting anxiety issues before their traumatic event. Studies have shown that individuals who were exposed to severe, prolonged trauma or trauma affecting one’s family were more likely to devel op PTSD than individuals who did not. Using the Cognitive model of abnormality as a guide, there are several options for treating posttraumatic stress disorder. The most effective treatment is cognitive therapy, in which â€Å"therapists help clients recognize the negative thoughts, biased interpretations, and errors in logic that dominate their thinking† (Comer, 2011). Cognitive therapy is most effective for individuals suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder because it teaches the individual positive ways confront the negative thoughts and emotions surrounding their experience with their traumatic event by showing them how to understand the trauma that they went through and the feelings that they are experiencing afterwards. Helping the individual suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder understand why they are feeling the way they do about their traumatic experience is also important, as well as identify the thoughts and actions that make symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder worse. There are also further treatment options for individuals suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and most anxiety disorders, including: * Relaxation: an individual is taught how to relax certain muscles by themselves instead of relaxing as a whole. Relaxation treatments have been the most successful in the treatment of anxiety symptoms such as high blood pressure and headaches as well as insomnia and panic attacks. * Biofeedback: an individual is connection to a machine that reads involuntary body movements enabling the individual to learn how to control those movements. This treatment has been most helpful in those recovering from post-traumatic stress disorders. * Meditation: is achieved my turning one’s concentration inward and blocking everything surrounding out allowing the individual to obtain a sort of peace from blocking out stressors. Meditation has been successful in helping symptoms of anxiety such as high blood pressure, pain, and in some cases, viral infecti ons (due to having a weaker immune system as a side effect of constant stress and anxiety). * Hypnosis: individuals a guided by a hypnotist, who lulls the individual into a sleep like trance, similar to meditation. In this trance the subconscious takes over and individuals can sometimes be directed to act in unusual ways, experience unusual sensations, remember seemingly forgotten events, or forget remembered events. This method is helpful with post-traumatic stress disorder victims who are suffering from amnesia and are unable to recall the traumatic event in order to come to terms with what happened and learn how to recover from it. In conclusion, post-traumatic stress disorder is a disorder that is caused by a traumatic, life changing event such as being raped, in a car accident, combat, or witnessing someone else’s traumatic experience, such as a loved one or a friend, and even witnes sing a violent death. The most effective treatment option for post-traumatic stress disorder as per the Cognitive model of abnormality is cognitive therapy in which â€Å"â€Å"therapists help clients recognize the negative thoughts, biased interpretations, and errors in logic that dominate their thinking† (Comer, 2011). I hope that with my thorough evaluation of the origin, causes, symptoms, and treatments of post-traumatic stress disorder, I am able to help Roger overcome the symptoms that he is experiencing from his post-traumatic stress disorder and assist him with his therapy so that he can return back to a normal life. References Comer, R. J. (2011). Fundamentals of abnormal psychology (6th ed.). New York, NY: Worth. Faces of Abnormal Psychology Interactive. (2007). Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder McGraw-Hill Higher Education Web Site, retrieved on February 2, 2013, from The effect of PTSD and combat level on Vietnam veterans perceptions of child behavior and marital adjustment. (2006, Febraury). Journal of Clinical Psychology, 51(1), 4-12.

Friday, November 15, 2019

September 11 and the Death of Moral Judgment :: September 11 Terrorism Essays

September 11 and the Death of Moral Judgment The nation is in crisis: a national security crisis and a crisis of moral judgment. What is the right thing to do? People disagree. Then comes the big mistake: observing disagreement, people conclude that there is no right answer, no way to make a judgment. Worse, they conclude that to judge is arrogant and dangerous, so that in an odd twist, the only thing that appears to be morally irresponsible is the attempt to make a morally responsible judgment. On the contrary, abdicating judgment is the problem. Democracy itself is based on the notion that reasonable people will disagree and that it is possible to make judgments about our disagreements - not that there is necessarily one right answer; there may be several partially right answers. But there are certainly some wrong answers and better and worse judgments about them. So, how do we judge? First, we can think clearly about the words we use. Second, we can stop looking for pure good or pure evil; innocence and guilt are not found in pure forms in the real world. Third, we can learn to distinguish among kinds and degrees of evils (And there are plenty of kinds: cruelty, neglect, exploitation, etc.) To illustrate: "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter." Many people fighting for very different causes call themselves "freedom fighters." But they usually let us know what they mean. Osama bin Laden's statements tell us that his goal is to free the Muslim world of infidels and their influence. He seeks freedom to establish theocratic regimes that would suppress women, as well as religious and political dissidents. We can argue about whether or not this is "freedom" in any meaningful sense, but the important thing is to be clear about what he means. For the sake of argument, let us say that he is a freedom fighter. Martin Luther King was a freedom fighter. Mahatma Gandhi was a freedom fighter. Neither could be called "terrorist" by any stretch of the imagination. They renounced violence as a means. Osama Bin Laden, on the other hand, embraces a strategy of targeting civilians in order to terrify and intimidate the population, undermine opposing governments, and achieve his political aims. Whether he is a freedom fighter or not, he is a te rrorist. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" This is an important practical principle, but it is not a moral principle.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Drama Evaluation

I think, although there were still a few mistakes, that my groups' (made up of; Liegha, Charlotte, Max, Robert, Katie, Claire and myself) performance went quite well. Rehersals at the beginning of this term were horrible, with group arguing and not listening to eachother, but after a few weeks we began to pick it up with better communicational skills and having different people in charge (director) really helped with decision making and getting everyone to listen to different ideas.MY personal rehersals worked really well, I managed to learn most of my lines within a few weeks, which gave me more time to practise my staging positions and interaction with the other characters on stage, although I don't feel this showed in my perfomance. My weakest scene would have been the ‘Lancelot and Guineverre' scene, where Max and I were lead characters. I think due to the fact that all eyes were on us, as we were very close together, gave me slight ‘stage-frieght' as my movement was quite stiff, unlike in rehersals.I forgot most of the stage directions we, as a group, decided to use, to make the scene more ‘slap-stick comemdy' for the year 6's. Although I feel my vocal skills were my strongest skills for the scene; I sounded more like a queen/princess then a normal teenager, I articulated so that audience members could understand me, and I think I projected my voice quite loudly. Our ‘Booties' scene came over quite effectively, with everyone looking realistly hypnotized.Katie, our Leader, came off really strong and wise and Claire, our McConnamal, came off really well in the fact that she was trying to trick poor Liegha, Someone, into handing over all her money. All the Booties remember their lines, on time, so we were close to ‘in sync' with eachover, which made the hypnotizism even more believeable. I think since the performance we have improved this scene, in the fact that we've got alot of energy for our new song ‘Money, Money, Money ' which could engage the audience with them swaying and enjoying the music.All in all, I think that our performance went great, not perfect, but really, really well. As a group I feel we communicated well, engaged the audience in a few scenes, and mangaged to make as few mistakes as posseible. As an indivual actor, I feel I can make alot of improvements to my serperate parts and to the whole group together, and to be honest it was alot of fun. CaraMay x

Sunday, November 10, 2019

End of Life Ethical Issues Essay

In this workshop activity, you are required to investigate and report on ONE ethical principle as it is demonstrated in a case study situation, then review and assess the reports prepared by your fellow students.Read the case studies below and decide which ethical principles are involved in each situation: (a) describe the principle  Principle of Respect for Autonomy The Webster dictionary (2002) defines Autonomy as â€Å"personal rule of the self that is free from both controlling interferences by others and from personal limitations that prevent meaningful choice.† And in keeping with this definition we, as registered nurses, must respect the right for individuals to act intentionally, with understanding, and without controlling influences to their free will. (b) explain how it applies in the case study situation  The difficulties, and moral dilemma’s, that are encountered in making â€Å"end of life† verves â€Å"quality of life† decisions involved in situations like Edward Biltons should always be related to the principal of respect for autonomy, when the patient has competently made their own choices. The ICU nursing staff and Mr Bilton’s parents need to accept and acknowledge that Edward has made his own choices based on his own values and belief systems. As health care professionals that will experience similar situations to this, it is important to not have own morals and beliefs influence our patients’ decisions about their care. In the health care environment, an individuals’ autonomy is applied through obtaining informed consent. It could be argued that he has not formally withdrawn consent for treatment as he is unable to communicate at this stage, but his living will sets out that in the event of an accident he does not wish to be artificially kept alive should he be fully dependent and disabled . Clearly this dependence and disability is evident in the fact that despite he should regain consciousness, he will be severely neurologically impaired. (c) offer your perspective on or resolution of the dilemma. You need to rationalise your perspective using the ethical principles and practices you have researched  With this scenario, other people must afford Edward the respect he deserves, give him the means to exercise his will, and not contradict his previously made decisions pertaining to his autonomy. The principle of respect for autonomy indicates that individuals’ should be allowed to freely make their own decisions in relation to the health care they receive. We grant this freedom of autonomy to our patients when they can give their consent to, or refusal from, treatment whilst in our health care facility and this same respect for their autonomy should be afforded in situations like Edward Biltons. In this situation Edward Bilton has previously and in sound mind made a decision of his future in certain circumstances.

Friday, November 8, 2019

How to Write a College Essay That Shares Your Passion

How to Write a College Essay That Shares Your Passion When coaching my college essay clients on how to write a college essay, I always tell them to talk about their real passion and to tell their real story – not to talk about what they think other people want them to talk about. In that vein, today, I’d like to share three of my favorite things with you. One is a recipe, one is a book, and one is a blender. They are all related. And they have little to do with job search or LinkedIn, but they have everything to do with commitment and passion. You could say this is what I might write about for a supplemental college essay, if I were writing one. One of the things that is most important to me in my life, besides writing and personal growth, is health and wellness. I’ve written articles that include kale references, and I blogged on July 17th about the value of regular exercise for productivity. What I put into my body is extremely important to me, and I’ve recently been excited by a book I stumbled across: Zero Belly Smoothies It was love at first sight, and have spent many a Saturday afternoon trying out the recipes that grace its pages. The book, which is now my smoothie bible, has not left its spot next to my Blendtec blender since I started my craze. Chocolate Decadence You might not know this, but smoothies are one of the best ways to get nutrients into your system – they make a great breakfast and are also the perfect replenishment after a workout. I drink them for both occasions! The best thing is that they can be both healthy and delicious. Did you know that you can put black beans, avocado, and banana in a smoothie and make it taste like a rich dessert, while getting 25g of protein? I didn’t, until a few weeks ago. And my life has been transformed. To share my joy over the above-mentioned potion, I’m giving it to you here. You can find this delectable recipe and more at Zero Belly Smoothie Recipes for Breakfast, Lunch and Dessert. RECIPE: Chocolate Decadence Smoothie 1/2 banana (preferably peeled and frozen) 1/4 ripe avocado, peeled, pitted, and quartered 1/4 cup black beans 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk 1/4 cup chocolate plant-based protein powder 6 ice cubes Water to blend (optional) 300 calories, 9 g fat, 34 g carb, 11 g fiber, 9 g sugar, 25 g protein I also particularly like Zero Belly’s Velvety Elvis smoothie, which includes banana, spirulina, and almond butter. What a treat – and it looks like the ocean! But I can’t find it on the internet and dare not violate any copyrights. Plus I really think everyone with any interest in smoothie creations must buy the book. Of course, you’ll need a blender to do these recipes justice. Whole food smoothies, sadly, cannot be made by hand. Not a Blender Fan? You might be lamenting, â€Å"My blender smells like rubber anytime I make it work hard.† Or, â€Å"My blender is so hard to clean!† or â€Å"My blender leaves big chunks of food in my drink. ‘Smooth’ is the last word I’d use to describe the sludge my blender produces.† Or you might be saying mournfully, â€Å"I have an awesome blender I paid hundreds of dollars for and it’s sitting there on my kitchen counter, next to my unused juicer. I’ve given up.† If you have a Vitamix or Blendtec blender and it’s wasting away unutilized, it’s time to dust it off and get it cranking! If you have any other type of blender, and you are inspired to get serious about smoothies, it’s worth investing in a good one†¦ either a Vitamix or Blendtec. In my opinion, Blendtecs are the better value. I’ve had mine for years and love it more every day. Another advantage of smoothies is that you can freeze them and have your supply ready for the week; and if you’re on the go, they make a quick 1-minute meal. (I’m not a fan of savory â€Å"lunch† or â€Å"dinner† smoothies, but give those a try if you’re curious.) One of my favorite tricks is how to bring a smoothie onto an airplane (it starts as powder and turns into a nutrition-packed meal)! If you travel for work, bringing â€Å"smoothie packs† along with you is a great way to stay healthy while on the road. Ask me if you want to know more about that. Not Really a College Essay So I didn’t really write a college-essay-worthy essay here, since I would never want any student to give advice in a college application. But have I gotten my excitement across – and provided some insight on how to write a unique college essay? I hope so, and if I’ve transmitted any of that excitement to you, I’d be happy to share more of my favorite recipes privately. They might just change your life too. And if you want more advice on how to write a college essay, check out my article,  How to Write a Great College Application Essay: 2017-18 Common App Prompts, or check out my college admissions services  and work with me one-on-one.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Whats an Unweighted GPA How to Calculate It

What's an Unweighted GPA How to Calculate It SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Many high schools record your academic performance using unweighted GPA. But what does your unweighted GPA mean in the eyes of colleges? And how can you calculate it yourself? In this article, I’ll tell you what an unweighted GPA is, how to interpret it, and how to calculate it based on your letter grades. What Is an Unweighted GPA? Unweighted GPA is the most common way to measure academic performance in high school.Unweighted GPAs are measured on a scale of 0 to 4.0 and do not take the difficulty of your courses into account.This means that an A in an AP class and an A in a low-level class will both translate into 4.0s.A student who takes all honors and AP classes and earns all As and a couple Bs will have a lower unweighted GPA than a student who takes all low-level classes and earns all As. This may seem incredibly unfair, but it’s not as simple as that when it comes to college admissions.Colleges are aware that the numbers often tell a skewed story in the case of unweighted GPAs, and they will investigate further to see whether unweighted GPA is truly an accurate reflection of a student’s academic potential. Unweighted GPA is where the idea of a 4.0 as the gold standard of GPA comes from, but as we’ll see in the next section, this isn't always the most accurate achievement benchmark. What Does Your Unweighted GPA Mean? Will Colleges Use It? There’s a lot of advice out there about unweighted GPAs because the unweighted scale is the most commonly used GPA scale. However,all of this advice is contingent on the difficulty of your classes. Colleges won’t be nearly as impressed by your 4.0 if it was earned in low-level courses. Though it may be difficult to make the switch, you should try to move up a level in your classes if you’re doing very well.Even if your unweighted GPA goes down slightly, you’ll ultimately be doing yourself a favor in the college application process. Colleges are interested in your GPA, but they also look further into how you earned it. Don’t expect to game the system by taking easy classes and getting As. If your high school uses solely unweighted GPA, this may result in your class rank being lower than someone who takes easier courses than you. You shouldn’t worry too much about this.Again, you’re more likely to get into a good college with a slightly lower unweighted GPA that was earned in high-level classes than with a high unweighted GPA that was earned in low-level classes. Your A+ in gym won't give you a competitive edge in college admissions. Then again, maybe I'm just bitter because I always sat in the back of the court during dodgeball and pretended to be out so that I wouldn't have to embarrass myself by attempting to throw anything. Want to build the best possible college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. How Is Unweighted GPA Calculated? Unweighted GPA is simple to calculate because only your grades matter, not the levels of your classes.Here is a chart that shows how each letter grade translates into unweighted GPA. Letter Grade Unweighted GPA A+ 4.0 A 4.0 A- 3.7 B+ 3.3 B 3.0 B- 2.7 C+ 2.3 C 2.0 C- 1.7 D+ 1.3 D 1.0 F 0.0 With this in mind, I’ll go through how to calculate unweighted GPA with an example. Let’s say you’re towards the end of your sophomore year in high school, so you’ve completed 3 semesters so far.In each semester, you took five core classes, which are the classes we'll use in calculating your GPA. Here are some charts of hypotehtical grades for each semester: First Semester Freshman Year Class Letter Grade Unweighted GPA 1 B 3.0 2 B 3.0 3 B+ 3.3 4 B+ 3.3 5 A- 3.7 Your unweighted GPA for this semester would be an average of the five values in the last column. This gives you a 3.3 so far. Now, let's do the second semester. This time, we'll say that your grades increased slightly. Second Semester Freshman Year Class Letter Grade Unweighted GPA 1 B 3.0 2 B+ 3.3 3 B+ 3.3 4 A- 3.7 5 A- 3.7 Your GPA for this semester would be a3.4 based on an average of the values in the last column. Finally, let’s calculate GPA for the first semester of sophomore year assuming your grades increased slightly once again. First Semester Sophomore Year Class Letter Grade Unweighted GPA 1 B+ 3.3 2 B+ 3.3 3 A- 3.7 4 A- 3.7 5 A- 3.7 Your average unweighted GPA for this semester would be a 3.5.Now we can calculate your overall GPA by averaging the three GPAs from each semester. Semester Unweighted GPA First - Freshman 3.3 Second - Freshman 3.4 First - Sophomore 3.5 Cumulative 3.4 Note that this method of averaging semester GPAs only works if you took the same number of classes every semester. If you didn't, it's best to just translate all of your grades so far into unweighted GPAs, add them up, and divide by the total number of classes you've taken. If your school gets more specific with its GPAs for different grades (for example, a 90 average in a class would translate into a lower GPA than a 92 average even though they’re both A-s), look at this more detailed conversion chart to get a more accurate result. Conclusion The unweighted GPA is GPA in its purest form: it only considers your grades and not the levels of your classes. It’s important to keep things in perspective when assessing your unweighted GPA because colleges will be able to tell whether you earned it in difficult classes or not.Having a 4.0 unweighted GPA doesn’t automatically mean you’ll get your pick of top colleges. You need to challenge yourself academically in AP and Honors classes so you can rise above the crowd. Unweighted GPA is relatively easy to calculate because you don’t have to account for the levels of your classes. If you want to figure out your unweighted GPA, just consult the conversion chart in this article to translate your grades into the appropriate numerical values. What's Next? Now that you know all about unweighted GPA, you may be wondering whether colleges place more emphasis on unweighted or weighted GPA statistics in the admissions process. Learn more about which GPA measurement will be most important for college. You should also check out this article on what constitutes a good or bad GPA for college admissionsif you're not sure whether your GPA is high enough for your college goals. With unweighted GPA, it can be difficult to figure out whether your course load is advanced enough for selective colleges. Read this article to find out what constitutes a rigorous course load in high school. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. 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Sunday, November 3, 2019

Europe in crisi.Does the crisi create opportunities for the country of Research Paper

Europe in crisi.Does the crisi create opportunities for the country of Ballkan region, specially for Albania - Research Paper Example The fall in the economy of Europe has also affected the economic conditions of the countries of Baltic region especially Albania and the GDP values of these countries have decreased. This report deals with the economy crisis in Europe that is perhaps the most important issue of today’s world. As we know that crisis is an unsteady situation in which too much problem or difficulty is being faced. It is the most crucial or most vital turning point that can lead to many changes. When any crisis takes place then there are chances for the improvement as well. It cannot be said that a crisis can never get resolved. In this paper we are dealing with the economy crisis that has taken place in the European countries in the current time period. This is currently the most thrilling issue that is under discussion everywhere. This crisis has many impacts not only over the European countries but also to many other countries of the globe. This global impact is because the economy of Europe is very powerful economy and there are many countries that used to invest in European countries so these countries are definitely being affected due to this economy crisis. The main is sue that we have to discuss in this paper is the economy crisis in European countries and its affects over the countries of Balkan region. We have especially discussed the affect over Albania. This paper thoroughly discusses that does this crisis providing any opportunities to the economy of countries of Balkan region or not? As Europe is having one of the biggest economies of the world and the economy crisis in Europe is threatening the economic conditions of many other countries of the world. With the economy crisis in Europe the economy of Baltic countries has also decreased which shows that threat to the economy of Europe is also a threat to the economy of Baltic region countries. (Financial crisis

Friday, November 1, 2019

Hispanic American Diversity College Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Hispanic American Diversity College - Essay Example All the four groups uphold rich cultural identities even if they are clustered in a similar domain on the platform of language popularly referred to as Hispanic Americans. These groups share Spanish language although they have distinct dialects with a phonetically varied composition of similar words that are spelled and pronounced the have having exhibiting different meanings. For instance, sopa means soup in some countries, whereas meaning soap in different countries. The Mexican American language is composed of both Spanish and English, which has been colloquially branded as Spanglish. On the political perspective the Mexican Americans have been very proactive especially in mooting and championing the Mexican American Civil Rights movement that was enhanced and frontiered by Mendoza V Reies lopez Tijerina. They have been impeccable in agitating for the land grants through the words of Rodolfo 'Corky' Gonzales who derives the implicit behind Chicano through his apocalyptic poem; I am Joaquin, embraces Cesar Chavez and the farm workers. The movement is known as Mendoza, V. "The Mexican American Civil Rights Movement" which advocates for myriad issues across the board. This ranges from enactment of land grants, rights to farm workers, comprehensive education systems and also have been vocal in agitating for the political and voting rights. The social context ingrained in the consciousnes... According to Huntington, numbers reported from the National Latino Political Survey, conducted at towards the end of 1980 indicated that only 90 percent of Mexican Americans of any generation don't go beyond high school. The survey also indicates that only four percent of the fourth generation attained the baccalaureate; 40 percent of the entire generation fails to obtain the high diploma, while only 10 percent of the fourth generation went beyond high school. However the Mexican immigrants to American have experienced monumental resistance in trying to gear forth for their absorption from the immigrant status into the mainstream social class. In regard to the discriminatory and poor educational systems that they were offered, the Mexican Americans find it had to get incorporated into the American mainstream lifestyle. Economically, Mexican Americans are getting on fairly in respect to the predominant Mexican American Civil rights movement that they agitated before. However fair competition, substantial wages and holistic benefits remain a dream come true for the Mexican Americans The families in the Mexican American setup are especially centered on the grandparents with a keen attention on the grandmother. They are rather staple when it comes to family. In the traditional aspect Grandmothers have been known in feeding and healing of patients. They also knew stories foods and stuff and even language. American Christmas traditions are copied from their traditions. This includes the traditional Mexican posada, a house to house celebration of song and food that replicates. Puerto Ricans. The Puerto Ricans language is primarily Spanish. According to the research findings the Puerto